Lercy Saavedra
Principal Achitect PMO
21 years of experience

Blanca Viera
Principal Architect PMO
17 years of experience
(+598) 94 221 551

Arch. Elisa Osta
6 years of experience
Arch. Sabina Cuadrado
17 years of experience

Arch. Mariana Tinetto
17 years of experience
Master in furniture design
University of Milan
We have worked with:
- Arqs Feranandez::Katz
- Arq. Nadia Gutierrez
- Constr. Mario Mendez
- Ing. Eduardo Rovira
- Ing. Nicolás Mendez
- Ing. Jorge Kliche
- Ing. Mario Pelua
- Arq. Bonta :: Donozo
- Arq. Maribel Briano
- Arq. Rafael Calvette
- Tec. Sanit. Adolfo Alhers
- Tec. Electr. Jose Luis Rivero
- Arq. Vito Atijas
- Arq. Jose Maria Casal
- Arq. Nestor Sztryk
- Arq. Ricardo Weiss
- Arq. Daniel Weiss
- Ing.Jose Bonilla
- Ing.Carlos Rodriguez
- Fwap arquitectos
- Grupo Betania Arq. E. Martinez
- Arq. Guillermo Pendola
- Arq. Hernan Sas
- Ritcher Dhal Rocha arquitectos
- Gomez Platero Arquitectos
- Larrain Arquitectos
Companies with which we have worked:
- Tecsa Constructora
- Stiler
- Saaceem
- Abengoa Teyma
- Techint
- Sudamericana
- Norte Construcciones